fredag 29 januari 2010

Skadis Moon - Sister Moon

The first fullmoon of the year is dedicated to Norse Goddess of snow Skadi.
When its really cold you can hear Skadi walking right behind you in your fotsteps. She is your frosty shadow. When you breath or speak you can see her I the air that comes out of your mouth - she playes with you. When you inhales you can feel her cold spirit filling and refreshing your body. At the same time a reminder of the thin line between life and death.

I also would like to dedicate this fullmoon to sisterhood. During the fall we linked youtube clip with intervjues with Zsusanna Budapest every friday and she speeks about sisterhood in a very special way. Since hearing these intervjues with Zsusanna, I have kept a note in my handbag, beside my computer, in my car, on my bathroom mirror saying ;
Sisterhood is an experience- not a word.

I dont have any blood sisters in this life but I have many spiritual sister, magic sisters - and since november - Scarsisters! I have meet you over the years under different surcomstances, on workshops and conferences, on fairs and sometimes even here, on the computer!

Some of you I meet regulary, other less often and some I have only meet once but You still mean a lot to me. You help me grow and you push me forward. Sometimes you challenge me and make me angry or upset but that is also an important part of the growing process.

I love You all and Bless You for Being here, Beside me, Behind me.

Sister hood is an experience not a word.
Many words here but I can feel you ..... everyday, in every breath.

This Frejasday I light a special candle for you my dear ones and under the Skadi fullmoon I read Scarsister Suzi´s wonderful Sister poem. I close my eys and imagine all of you standing with me in a big circle, holding our arms around each other, chanting hold my hand, sister hold my hand.

Sister hood is an experience.

Sister hood- the most beautiful word in the world.

( photo: frosty morning at Kristinas place with arctic tempreatures - 20 deg. For part 2-6 of the intervjues with Zsusana check blog 2009 october -november)

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